Introduction to OpenMP
Why OpenMP
- Syntax is easy to pickup
- Almost linear scaling
Existing native parallel solutions in C and Fortran
Unified Parallel C (UPC) in C
CoArray Fortran
DO CONCURRENT from Fortran 2008
None of them becomes mainstream
OpenMP programming model
a. Based on threads instead of cores (so hyperthreading counts)
b. Each thread has it own copy of code and run in private memory
c. Each OpenMP thread is managed by the OMP runtime system
i. Runtime decide the best way to run, in contrast to MPI
d. Thread safe: a function execute correctly even then executed concurrently by multiple threads
How to use
a. Compiler Directives
b. Environmental Variables
c. Runtime Library Routines (e.g.: call runtime routine to determine the thread ID)
Feature set
1. Parallel Construct
2. Work-sharing constructs (loop, section, single, workshare (fortran only))
3. data-sharing, no wait, schedule clauses
4. Synchronization construct (barrier, critical, atomic, locks, master (for sync.))
## How to compile
icc -qopenmp omp_hello.c -o hello
gcc -fopenmp omp_hello.c -o hello
pgcc -mp omp_hello.c -o hello
clang -fopenmp omp_hello.c -o hello
Practice 1 : OpenMP Hello World
#include <omp.h>
#pragma omp parallel
printf("Hello World... from thread = %d\n",
$ cd Example
$ gcc -fopenmp omp_hello.c -o hello
Note 1:You can set the number of threads visible to OpenMP by
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=num_of_threads_you_want
Note 2: Note the difference between \
omp_get_num_threads(); // get thread ID
omp_get_num_threads(); // get total number of threads
Q1: why we need nthreads, tid
to be private
Q2: Try ```OMP_NUM_THREADS=1000``` and let elapsed time be t1; try ```OMP_NUM_THREADS=10000``` and let elapsed time to be t2 on NSCC (note that machine has 24 threads). Do you observe any difference between 10xt1 and t2?
OpenMP uses fork-join model
start as a single master thread on one core
continues as single thread until parallel construct
- Paralle region
Rule for fortran: a) no `GOTO` allowed b) STOP statements are okay
Rule for C/C++
Case sensitive
Hands-on with OpenMP
Do’s and Don’ts
Must be a DO or for loop (not DO WHILE or WHILE )
Avoid logical dependencies like
DO A(i) = A(i-1)*2 ENDO
Variable declared inside code block becomes “private” by default
# omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i<100; ++i)
// do your work
// now i is a private to each work thread
Section Construct
Allowed thread to execute diff. block of code to be done concurently.
Each section is executed once by a thread in the team.
#progma omp parallel
Single Construct
- Allow only 1 tthread
OpenMP Clause
firstprivate, lastprivate
- pass value to some certain threads
The tutorial is based on OpenMP Exercise by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory , and NAG training.