NTU HPC Weekly Training

We organize weekly training on HPC for any interested students. This project is some sample code and supplementary learning materials used in trainings.

If you wish to request the slides, please feel free to email me.

Training Schedule

The following is the tentative training schedule of NTU HPC during Academic Year 2018-2019.

0 - Linux Basics
1 - Compilation
2 - Build System
3 - Libraries and Debugger
4 - Parallel Programming Models
5 - Profiling and Runtime Tuning
6 - OpenMP (Part 1)
7 - OpenMP (Part 2)
8 - HPC Cluster Configuration and Hardware
9 - Review on Optimizations
========semester break===========
10 - GPU and CUDA (Part 1)
11 - CUDA (Part 2)
12 - MPI (Part 1)
13 - MPI (Part 2)
14 - Distribited Tensorflow and Optimization
15 - Case Study
16 - Case Study
17 - Case Study
18 - Case Study

Team Communication


The slides are authored by Siyuan Liu @koallen, Yiyang Shao @Allen-Shao, Shengliang Lu @lushl9301, and myself @StevenShi-23.

Please feel free to fork and PR to this repo 😃

Credits to NSCC for sharing their optimization training materials with us.

Ziji SHI(史子骥)
Ziji SHI(史子骥)
Ph.D. candidate

My research interests include distributed machine learning and high-performance computing.
